
Day 1
9:00 am – 9:30 am Welcome and Overview
Representatives from the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute Oncology – Centre (prof. Jan Walewski – director of COI, Joanna Didkowska – head of Epidemiology Department and Polish Cancer Registry at COI) and the National Cancer Institute (Mark Parascandola – Program Director Tobacco Control Research Branch)
9:30 am — 10:00 am The Importance of Economic Data for Tobacco Control
Frank Chaloupka (University of Illinois Chicago)
Overview of the role and importance of economic data in informing tobacco control programs and policies, seting the stage for the rest of the workshop.
10:00 am – 10:30 am The Economics of Tobacco Control in Poland
Marzenna Weresa (Warsaw School of Economics)
Overview of experience in Poland with tobacco taxation and economics of tobacco control.
10:30 am – 11:00 am Break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Economic Costing Studies: Methods and Examples
Mark Parascandola (National Cancer Institute)
WHO Economics of Tobacco Toolkit and other Resources
Hana Ross (University of Cape Town)
Health Impacts Due to Smoking: Valuation of Premature Cancer Mortality
Milan Ščasný (Charles University)
Assessing Cost of Tobacco Use in Serbia: Methods and Challenges
Biljana Kilibarda (Institute of Public Health of Serbia)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Economic Demand Analysis
Violeta Vulovic (University of Illinois)
The Effects of Tobacco Taxes on Health by Income Quintile and Gender in Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine
Irina Denisova (New Economic School and CEFIR)
Methods to Model the Impact of Tobacco Tax Reforms on Tobacco Use, Premature Deaths, and Tax Revenue
Estelle Dauchy (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)
Tobacco taxation and tobacco affordability in Ukraine
Konstantin Krasovski (Ministry of Health of Ukraine)
The Impact of Taxation on the Demand for Tobacco in Romania
Árpád Szabó (Partium Christian University in Oradea)
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Lessons from the country case studies and Day 1 Conclusions Commentary from invited experts and country representatives along with general discussion. The goal of this session is to identify common themes and challenges for tobacco economics research across the region and to develop a set of key conclusions to be agreed upon by the group.

Day 2
9:00 am – 10:30 am Translating Evidence for Policy
Joshua Abrams (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)
Panel discussion with advocates/policy specialists from the region to highlight policy initiatives per country (short term and long term), describe how they use economics research in their advocacy, what arguments or data policy makers look for that economists could provide, and suggest topics for research that would add value to tobacco control advocacy campaigns. Moderated discussion with open Q&A.
10:30 am – 11:00 am Break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Illicit Trade and Work in Progress
Leszek Bartłomiejczyk
Efforts To Tackle Illicit Trade: Global vs. European Overviews and Application to EU Directive
Estelle Dauchy (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)
Measuring Illicit Trade in Georgia
George Bakhturidze (Georgian Health Promotion and Education Foundation)
Tobacco taxation in 7 Western Balkan countries, stakeholders and trends
Jovan Zubović (Instutute of Economic Sciences (IES))
12:30 pm – 12:45 pm Remarks from Ministry of Health
Justyna Mieszalska (Director of the Public Health Department in the Ministry of Health in Poland)
12:45 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunchtime Demonstration: Introduction to University of Cape Town Data Warehouse and Resources for Collaboration
Hana Ross (University of Cape Town)
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Participants will be divided up into 3 groups (organized by themes: Costing Analyses, Demand Studies, and Industry Strategies) to identify priority economic research analyses, discuss existing datasets and tools, and identify future needs and opportunities for collaboration. International experts will provide technical guidance to each group.
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Working groups present their conclusions and receive feedback from the larger group.
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Closing Discussion: Research Recommendations and Next Steps for the Network Wrap up workshop and summarize next steps. Discuss how to keep the network active on ongoing basis.


Workshop on Tobacco Economics for Central and Eastern Europe © 2018